

一、招收对象及条件 Enrollment Objectives and Conditions

1.申请人需年满18周岁以上,22周岁以下,身体健康,品行端正,成绩优良,相当于中国高中毕业或以上学历的持有外国有效护照的非中国籍公民。The applicant should be a non-Chinese citizen with a valid foreign passport who is over 18 years old, under the age of 22, healthy, well-behaved and has good grades, equivalent to a Chinese senior high school graduate or above.

2.若申请人未满18周岁者,需提交监护人委托书。Applicants under the age of 18 are required to submit a letter of attorney from their guardian.

3.申请人要有一定的汉语或英语语言学习基础,申请3年专科学历教育时需提供汉语或英语学习良好及以上的证明或成绩单。Applicants should have some basic knowledge of Chinese or English language. Applicants for 3-year junior college program should provide proof of good Chinese or English learning or transcripts.

4.有兴趣学中文,并对中国文化、社会、经济有所了解;具有独立生活与学习的能力,有良好的自律能力和人际交往能力,身体健康。Applicants are interested in Chinese language and have some knowledge of Chinese culture, society and economy. Applicants should have the skills for independent living and studying and own good self-discipline and interpersonal skills, being in good health.

5.除我们提供的奖学金外,申请人应具有一定的家庭经济能力,以维持在华学习期间的日常生活、交通和其他费用的开支。Applicants should have certain family financial ability to support daily life, transportation and other expenses during the study period except the scholarship we provide.


The number of  enrollment20.

二、申请材料Application Documents

1.申请表Application Form(ask the teacher by mail or see details in website)

2.体检报告Medical Examination Report

3.高中毕业证书Senior High School Diploma

4.高中成绩单Senior High School Transcripts

5.无犯罪记录证明Non-criminal Record

6.银行存款证明Bank Statement (Not less than 3000 dollars)

7.护照复印件Passport Photocopy

8.电子照片Electronic Photograph

9.汉语或英语水平证书English or Chinese level certificate

说明(Note):所有资料均可提供扫描件(护照电子照片除外),但入学报到时须提供原件以供核实。All materials can be provided in the form of scanned copies (except electronic photograph), but the original copies should be provided for verification at the time of registration.

、申请及录取流程 Enrollment process

1.申请时间Application Time


From April 1, 2022 to August 15, 2022

2.申请方式 How to apply


Send all the application documents to this e-mail: 1401005@e4academia.net

3.录取流程Admission Process

1)申请人发送申请材料至指定邮箱;The applicants should send all the required application materials to the designated e-mail within the application time.

2)经审核及网络面试后,合格的申请人会收到我校寄发的预录取通知书;After material review and video interview, qualified applicants will receive pre-admission notice sent by email from our college.

3)申请人在规定时间内将3000元保证金汇至指定账户,用于抵充注册报到当年的部分学费。The applicant shall remit the deposit of 3000 yuan to the designated account within the specified time to offset the part of the tuition fee of the current year.

4)在我校收到保证金后,向申请人寄发正式的录取通知书。After receiving the deposit, our college will post the official admission notice to the applicants.

4.入学时间及资格Registration Time and Qualifications

(1)在中国未接受外国人入境期间,一律采取线上授课的方式开展教学,开学时间为2022年9月,具体报到日期见正式录取通知书。开学一周内应缴纳全额学费。During the period when foreigners are not accepted into China, online teaching is adopted. The school starts in September 2022. Please refer to the official admission notice for the specific registration date. Full tuition should be paid within first week of the semester.

2)如中国接受外国人入境, 学生必须持“澳门永利赌场外国留学生录取通知书”及“JW202表”按期到校报到。未履行延期手续,超过报到时间15天者,取消入学资格。If China accepts foreigners to enter, students must come to our college on time with admission notice and JW202 form. Those who fail to fulfill the postponement procedure and exceed the registration time by 15 days will be disqualified.

四、澳门永利赌场 Contact Us



地址:中国,江苏省淮安市开发区枚乘东路3号,澳门永利赌场(Jiangsu Vocational College of Electronics and Information, No.3, Meicheng Road, Huaian, Jiangsu, P. R. China



国际留学生招生网站网址: http://forensmed.e4academia.net/gjjyxy/lxszsw.htm


联系电话:+86-517-83808317; +8618851267995
E-mail:578621471 @qq.com
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联系电话:+86-517-83808317; +8618851267995
E-mail:578621471 @qq.com